- Buka halaman video yang anda sukai dan ingin diunduh. Ingat, ini hanya berlaku bagi Safari.
- Buka Activity Window di menur bar Window, lalu Activity. Atau dengan shortcut "shift + command + A".
Lihat di Activity Window Youtube anda, dan cari ukuran file yang paling besar. Ketemu? Double click on it.
- File tersebut akan segera muncul di Download Window anda. Yang harus anda lakukan setelah file terunduh, adalah rename file tersebut menjadi *.flv. Tanda *bisa anda isi dengan apa saja yang anda
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Free Download Youtube with Safari
Posted by
7:29 PM
Labels: Macintosh
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Flock and Twitter
Saya baru mencoba membuat sebuah account twitter yang baru. Masih bingung bagaimana menggunakannya. Pada hari yang sama, saya juga mendownload browser baru, yakni flock. Tulisan ini saya posting dari flock.
Flock memiliki fitur - fitur yang unik dan mendukung berbagai social networking ternama di dunia. Sebut saja facebook, flickr, photobucket, blogger, dll.. Interface dari mozzila, sehingga cara kerjanya sangat mrip dengan browser kenamaan keluaran mozzila, yakni firefox.. Sungguh browser yang menarik untuk dicoba..
Posted by
11:16 PM
Labels: Tips And Tricks
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Leopard 10.5.2 Update Features
I think I really need to update my 10.5.1 to 10.5.2 because from the article I recently read, It contains some attractive things and support more "Apple things" like remote disc and wireless time machine using time capsule. Here is some sneak peak for 10.5.2 update I taken from babygotmac.
- Remote Disc Support
This is the new feature of macbook Air because it has no optical drive. Remote disc settings has been added to 10.5.2 - Wireless Backup
Time Machine can also use a disk connected to your Airport Express as a backup location. Maybe this can support Time Capsule for backing up file wirelessly - Time Machine Dropdown Menu
You can drop off Time Machine icon on your dock because now there is one on the dropdown menu bar. - List view in Stacks
I have written some information about List view in Bahasa Indonesia. But you can see the picture below
Posted by
12:20 AM
New iPod Nano Pink Edition
Apple® has announced the new pink iPod® nano to the lineup of the world’s most popular music player.
“Customers are going to love the gorgeous new pink iPod nano,” said Greg Joswiak, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide iPod Product Marketing. “The pink iPod nano is perfect for people who want a great new color this spring, or who are searching for a special Valentine’s Day gift.”The new pink 8GB iPod nano is available worldwide soon in Apple store for a suggested retail price of $199 (US). The 4GB iPod nano is available for a suggested retail price of $149 (US).
I think you should think over again and consider this New iPod as your gift on Valentines Day.
Such a nice gift, the new iPon Nano pink edition.
Posted by
12:02 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Macbook Air : Unboxed
Just a few minutes ago, I saw some photos of The New Macbook Air unboxed. It is compared to other Notebook and it's far thinner than othe notebook. I take it from flickr from someone in Japan I guest. Here is his gallery.
Posted by
11:43 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Zoom and Panning in Quicklook
I'm just realized that when we preview picture when using Quicklook, we can zoom in, zoom out, and panning. It's very easy to look at the detail of your picture quickly with quicklook.
Press space to preview images, and then hold down option key to zoom in, option + shift to zoom out and when the picture is zoomed in, just click and drag to panning.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Labels: Macintosh, Tips And Tricks
Friday, January 18, 2008
Manila Envelope for your Macbook Air
Macbook Air is launched on Macworld Expo 2008. And I have watched the ad for Macbook air. Wow, that's incredible that notebook can fit in the manila envelope.
The surprise news for you is there is a "Manila Envelope" sleeve for your Macbook Air. It's called Airmail. It's designed by two person, one is a full time touring musician and the other one is freelance journalist.
The idea comes from the manila envelope that Steve Jobs takes out Macbook Air from. And this sleeve is really just like a standard issue manila envelope. They're lined with fleece and even feature a tie enclosure. If I only see the picture, I can't decide weather it is Airmail or it is a standard manila envelope.
What does this things made of?
The AirMail laptop sleeve is handmade out of durable upholstery-grade vinyl, and lined with fuzzy, soft fleece. All AirMail sleeves have the same dimensions as standard interoffice manila envelopes, which will serve to remind you -- and everyone around you -- that your new MacBook Air really is the thinnest laptop in the world! (Airmail)I'm sure it will really fit in your Macbook air. And to beautify while protecting your Macbook Air, you only spend about $29.95 to pre-order and it shipped in two weeks when Macbook Air does
Posted by
6:19 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Andai Saya Punya Asus Eee PC

Saya sudah lama mengidamkan gadget mungil terbaru dari Asus ini. Saya suka akan bentuknya dan mendukung adanya laptop murah di Indonesia. Bentuknya elegan dan sudah bisa menunjang untuk kebutuhan sehari - hari. Harganya yang cukup murah memang mendukung mahasiswa seperti saya untuk terus belajar dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan.
Bila saya mendapatkan sebuah Asus Eee PC, yang pertama kali saya lakukan adalah merubah distribusi Linuxnya terlebih dahulu menjadi Ubuntu. Ini berguna untuk pembelajaran saya selama di jurusan teknik komputer. Setelah itu saya akan memindahkan sebagian pekerjaan coding dari komputer PC saya yang besar ke Asus Eee PC yang mungil dan bisa saya bawa ke lab komputer dan dapat menunjang tugas - tugas kuliah saya.
Secara garis besar, ada 2 hal yang akan saya lakukan dengan gadget mungil tersebut.
Yang pertama adalah saya akan bisa mengendalikan semua komputer dalam workgroup lokal secara wireless. Sangat mudah dan praktis. Jadi bila ada orang yang mengalami masalah dengan komputernya, saya bisa langsung menangani secara remote dan tanpa kabel. Ini merupakan impian yang sangat mungkin saya capai karena saya kebetulan kuliah untuk jurusan teknik komputer.
Yang kedua adalah saya membawa pekerjaan saya kemanapun. Ada beberapa alasannya. Fisiknya mungil, sehingga dapat dimasukkan dalam tas. Yang kedua saya hanya memerlukannya untuk membuat program dan kebutuhan ringan lainnya sehingga saya pikir jenis ini sangat cocok untuk saya. Dengan built in wi-fi, Saya bisa mendapatkan RSS feed dari situs - situs kesukaan saya. Saya bisa menulis blog langsung dari mana saja. Saya bisa berkomunikasi dengan instant messenger. Dan dengan built in camera, saya bisa menambahkan gambar - gambar sebagai pelengkap tulisan - tulisan di blog ini. Benar - benar gadget yang sangat saya impikan, portable, elegan, bertenaga, dan bisa dipakai untuk belajar.
Flash memory dalam bentuk SSD (Solid State Disk)? Gak apa - apa. Bukan halangan bagi saya untuk bisa memaksimalkan potensi dari Asus Eee PC. Untuk masalah storage, Asus Eee PC bisa disambungkan dengan perangkat network attached storage yang terhubung dengan wireless router. Wow, Notebook ultra portable dengan kapasitas yang cukup besar bukan? Disediakan juga slot storage SDHC tambahan. Jadi, sangat mudah untuk mengatasi masalah "Lack of memory"
Tidak ada Optical Drive? Tidak apa - apa. Kebutuhan saya hanya untuk coding. Untuk apa Optical drive? Lagipula, saya bisa disc burning dari komputer lain secara remote.
Ram hanya 512 Mb? Tidak masalah. Bisa dilakukan upgrade hingga 2 Gb. Cukup besar bukan?
Batere? Saya rasa dengan SSD, konsumsi daya tidak akan besar sehingga batere akan awet.
Wah, kelihatannya cocok juga Asus Eee PC ini untuk saya.. Berbagai penambahan akan membuat notebook dengan harga terjangkau ini semakin bertenaga. Wah, launchingnya tanggal 26? Berarti tanggal 26 tidak boleh terlewatkan oleh saya dan saya akan bermimpi indah untuk membangun sebuah Ultra Portable Notebook seperti Asus Eee PC
Posted by
2:59 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The New Macbook Air
About few hours ago, I watched The live report from Macworld Expo and Steve Jobs officially launched the Macbook Air.
There were 4 things that Steve Jobs Officially Launched. First is the the new Time Capsule. It will accompany your Time Machine Features on your Leopard to backup files wirelessly
Second is some new features that added to iPhone and iPod touch. I'm so happy that my iPod touch has Mail.app in the body so I can organize my email from whereever I want. And there is Maps.app on my iPod. Unfortunately I have to pay about $20 for that update while iphone is free.. So sad to hear that. It need new version of iTunes to update that.
Third is Apple launched iTunes Movie Rentals. I think it is so crazy that we can rent a film online. But I still thinking how Apple secure their connection and make sure that no one can break the rules about renting.
The fourth is the most exciting things. "There is something In the air" That's the slogan. And It is true. The New Macbook Air was designed like a paper. It is the world's thinnest notebook. Steve Jobs calls it "The wireless machine". It's true because with Time capsule, you can backup your file wirelessly, With iTunes Movie Rental, you can watch movies wirelessly (By using internet), and so on. Make sure you check the technical Specs here.
With these 4 of new release of "Apple Things", Apple make a leap change in how we watch movie, creating document in the notebook that like a piece of paper, and so on.
I really consider all Apple things to furnished my own house someday because it's really integrating between one and another. It's so cool.
Posted by
10:36 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Finder Sidebar Separators
Here's a nifty idea to organize your finder sidebar. Since there are not any separators supported by finder, one man created This creative finder separators to keep your Finder sidebar look tidy. The idea of this separators is creating some fake applications whose icons are transparent and whose names consist of line characters. You can then drag and drop these on the sidebar to give the desired effect.
This trick will keep your finder sidebar visually tidy. The package contains some separators and Apple script that will open your terminal at the location of folder you dropped on it
Posted by
10:05 PM
Labels: Macintosh, Tips And Tricks
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
How to Convert a MacOS X 10.5 Leopard Upgrade DVD into a Retail MacOS X 10.5 Leopard
Sekarang ini, setiap pembelian iMac, Macbook, Macbook Pro, dan komputer Macintosh baru lainnya, akan dibundel dengan OSX Leopard. Termasuk yang berkekuatan Penryn. Wow.. Kalau bisa dapat Upgrade gratis ini, untuk apa susah payah membeli yang versi retail dengan harga sekitar Rp 1.200.000 untuk versi Single pack dan Rp 2.200.000 untuk versi family pack?
Tapi tunggu dulu. Ada sedikit perbedaan antara versi retail dan versi yang dibundel oleh iMac, Macbook, dan mesin Macintosh lainnya. Mac OSX Leopard yang dibundel hanya bisa diinstall pada mesin yang sejenis. Artinya harus sama persis dengan mesin yang dibundelkan.
Saya contohkan. Misalnya saya membeli Macbook Black dengan spesifikasi yang tersedia. Lalu kita mendapatkan DVD Leopard Upgrade. DVD ini hanya bisa diinstall pada Macbook black. Artinya bila kita punya Macbook pro yang masih ber-OS Tiger (10.4.xx), kita tidak dapat melakukan upgrade ke Leopard (10.5.0) dengan DVD yang dibundel oleh Macbook black tadi. Untuk melakukan upgrade, harus dari Leopard versi retail (Yang harganya Rp 1.200.000 untuk Single Pack dan Rp 2.200.000 untuk Family Pack).
Tapi ternyata ada triknya untuk membuat DVD versi bundel ini menjadi versi retail sehingga bisa dipakai untuk mengupgrade Macintosh yang lain. Tetapi perlu diingat, trik ini jangan sampai disalahgunakan untuk hal - hal yang ilegal dalam arti hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi dan kemudahan pribadi belaka. Penasaran bagaimana caranya? Ikuti petunjuk saya dibawah ini.
- Masukkan Licensed DVD 10.5.0 Leopard ke dalam Mac anda
- Buka Disk Utility. Bila tidak tahu letaknya, biar saya beritahu. MacintoshHD/application/utilities/disk utility
- Di disk utility, pilih disk installer leopard di sidebar, lalu pilih new image
- Setting volumenya pada "8GB (DVD+R DL)
- Pilih destination dan sourcenya. Lalu ok
- Macintosh akan membuatkan disk image baru dari DVD Leopard anda. Ini akan memakan waktu yang cukup lama.
- Setelah selesai, keluarkan DVD aslinya
- Buka disk image outputnya
- Wow, foldernya hanya sedikit dan tampaknya itu bukan installernya. Tenang, itu hanya 'disembunyikan' jadi kita harus membuka hidden file
- Cara membuka hidden file, buka terminal (MacintoshHD/application/utilities/terminal) lalu ketikkan perintah berikut ini :
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles True - Tekan enter. Kode tersebut sudah aktif, tapi belum muncul tanda - tanda terbukanya hidden file. Artinya finder harus direlaunch. Caranya ketik kode berikut ini pada baris berikutnya di terminal :
Killall Finder - Sudah selesai, hidden file sudah terbuka.
- Masuk ke disk image yang sudah dimounting, lalu masuk kesini :
/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/CDIS/ - Klik kanan pada "Mac OS X Installer" dan pilih 'Show Package Contents'
- Akan terbuka jendela baru, lalu navigasi ke Contents/Resources lalu delete file “CheckForOSX”
- Sekarang disk imagenya direname dengan nama Mac OS X Install DVD
- Burn disk image tersebut dari disk utility.
Selamat mencoba. Artikel ini diterjemahkan dari uneasysilence.com
Salam Macintosh
Posted by
11:08 PM
Labels: Macintosh, Tips And Tricks
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Apple With Penryn
The new era of architecture 45 nM has arrived to apple product. This new proccessor will be implemented in the new Macbook Pro, Mac Pro, and X serve as the greatest Mac machine.
Apple today revised the Mac Pro and Xserve with a new architecture and the recently released Penryn Processors. The Mac Pro combines two 45-nm Quad-Core Xeon processors running up to 3.2GHz and up to 4TB of internal storage. The standard 8-core configuration starts at $2799.
"The new Mac Pro is the fastest Mac we've ever made," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "With 3.2 GHz 8-core Xeon processing, a 1600 MHz front side bus and 800 MHz memory, the new Mac Pro uses the fastest Intel Xeon architecture on the market."The new Mac Pro features the latest Quad-Core Intel Xeon 5400 series processors based on 45nm Intel Core (Penryn) microarchitecture running up to 3.2 GHz, each with 12MB of L2 cache per processor. According to Apple, the 1600 MHz front side bus and 800 MHz DDR2 ECC FB-DIMM memory achives a 61 percent increase in memory throughput.
The new Mac Pro comes standard with the ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT graphics card with 256MB of video memory.

- two 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processors with dual-independent 1600 MHz front side buses;
- 2GB of 800 MHz DDR2 ECC fully-buffered DIMM memory, expandable up to 32GB;
- ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT with 256MB of GDDR3 memory;
- 320GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s hard drive running at 7200 rpm;
- 16x SuperDrive(TM) with double-layer support (DVD+/-R DL/DVD+/-RW/CD-RW);
- two PCI Express 2.0 slots and two PCI Express slots;
- Bluetooth 2.0+EDR; and
- ships with Apple Keyboard and Mighty Mouse.
Apple also revised the Xserve today with the same architecture. Xserve standard configuration, with a suggested retail price of $2,999 (US), includes:
- a single 64-bit 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Xeon processor with 12MB of L2 cache and a 1600 Mhz front side bus;
- 2GB of 800 MHz DDR2 ECC FB-DIMM RAM, expandable up to 32GB;
- a single 80GB SATA Apple Drive Module;
- dual Gigabit Ethernet on-board;
- internal graphics;
- two FireWire(R) 800 and three USB 2.0 ports; and
- an unlimited client license for Mac OS X Server version 10.5 Leopard.

What about MacbookPro? Now, Macbook pro has Santa Rosa in its body since June 5th 2007
But according to appleinsider, the chips scheduled to launch in January will have the model names X9000 for the 2.8GHz CPU, T9500 for the 2.6GHz, T9300 for the 2.5GHz, T8300 for the 2.4GHz and T8100 for the 2.1GHz. They'll be priced at $851, $530, $316, $241 and $209 in 1000-unit tray quantities, respectively. All five of the chips will continue to make use of an 800MHz front-side bus like those in the current iteration of Apple's MacBook Pro line.
Of the five chips, the X9000 2.8GHz model is considered a mobile Core 2 Extreme processor, and it's unclear if Apple has any plans for that variant in a notebook system. In its brief history of using Intel processors, the Cupertino-based company has shied away from using the pricier, more power-hungry Extremes in its streamlined portable systems.
On the other hand, the upcoming T9500 2.6GHz and T9300 2.5GHz Penryn chips are slated to arrive at exactly the same price points ($530 and $316) as the T7700 2.4GHz and T7500 2.2GHz Merom-based processors currently situated in the Mac maker's Santa Rosa-based MacBook Pro line, almost assuring their adoption in next year's models. The 2.6GHz and 2.5GHz chips will also sport 6MB of L2 Cache, differentiating them the 2.4GHz and 2.1GHz models, which contain only 3MB of L2 Cache.
Expectations for the next refresh to Apple's consumer-oriented 13-inch MacBook notebooks are less certain, however. Since the MacBook did not make the jump to Intel's Santa Rosa platform earlier this year, Apple effectively holds two options for progressing the portable line -- it could introduce a more cost-effective 65nm Merom-based line in the coming months or alternatively make the leap to the fresher 45nm Penryn-based chips early next year.
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: Macintosh
Quicklook Plug In
A couple days ago, my friend post something on my mailing list that asking about File that is supported by quicklook in Leopard. And I try to search about it. And what I find out is there are many files that is not supported by Quicklook, but you can add some plug in so that Quicklook can preview your file faster.
With a little effort of course, you can add something to your Quicklook. Here's how.
- Identify files on remote machines. I've been using Remote Desktop at my day job for a couple of years now. With a few clicks, I can observe or control a remote Mac. Leopard brings this convenience to home users with Screen Sharing. It's useful, but files appear quite tiny when viewed on this screen-within-a-screen (and titles even smaller). Fortunately, Quick Look makes things much more legible.
- Preview the contents of Zip files (plug-in required). BetterZip and the Zip Quick Look Plug-in both let you view the contents of a zipped file with Quick Look. In fact, Zip Quick Look's display is dependent on a HTML file which you may alter to your liking. Here's how to install Quick Look plug-ins.
- Preview the contents of a folder (plug-in required). Much like BetterZip and Zip Quick Look, the Folder List plug-in lets you preview the contents of a folder. You can also customize its HTML-powered display and show or hide hidden files or time stamps.
- Examine snippets of code with syntax highlighting intact. Here's another tip that requires a plug-in. Qlcolorcode lets you preview your code with all the helpful highlighting you expect.
- Examine files in the trash. Until Leopard, the Finder's trash would keep its contents to itself. Anything you wanted to examine had to be moved back to the desktop. Fortunately, Quick Look lets you preview trashed items. Now you know precisely which item to yank out of there.
- Prep your iWork documents for use with Quick Look. When you create a document with Numbers, Pages or Keynote, you can ensure that its preview will display the proper formatting by selecting the Include Preview in Document check box whey you save (or turn this feature on by default in the general preference pane).
- Enhance TextMate. TextMate is the editor that geeks everywhere love (including the geeks at TUAW). CiarĂ¡n Walsh has written two Quick Look plug-ins for TextMate that let you preview items in a project or render Quick Look previews (for certain file types) using the TextMate syntax highlighter, respectively.
- Preview fonts. Open a Finder window, select Cover Flow view and navigate to the font you're interested in. Click the space bar and presto! Instant preview.
- Quick Look and Cover Flow. I love the combination of Cover Flow and Quick Look. Open a bulging folder in the Finder and select Cover Flow view. Tap the space bar to preview the 1st file and then use the arrow keys to move the next one and so on. You'll stay in Quick Look mode! Very cool.
- Send images to iPhoto. When viewing an image with Quick Look - either from the Finder or attached to a Mail message - you'll see a tiny iPhoto icon at the bottom of the window. Click it to send that image to iPhoto.
Posted by
12:30 AM
Labels: Macintosh, Tips And Tricks
Monday, January 7, 2008
Renaming Dictionaries
While working with Dictionary this weekend, I discovered that you can rename the dictionaries, as you can see in this screenshot:
To rename a dictionary, just Control-click on its name and choose Edit Label from the pop-up menu -- there's also a Revert to Original Label option, for when you decide the default names are fine. I'm not sure exactly why one might want to do this, though -- perhaps if you've installed another dictionary and want to give it a unique name?
Posted by
11:57 PM
Labels: Macintosh, Tips And Tricks
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Apple Script : Photoshop Batch Resizer
It's easy to put together a batch process in Photoshop to resize all the images in a folder to a certain height or width. However, if some of the photos are portraits and some are landscapes, they end up at different sizes. This script determines which dimension is the longest one and resizes that dimension to the specified number of pixels (set by the user).
Thanks to macosxhints for tips and tricks
Posted by
7:11 PM
Labels: Info, Macintosh, Tips And Tricks
Data Detector in Leopard's iChat
About 60 seconds ago, i read something tickling me about data detector from one of my source.
You can enable Data Detectors in iChat with one simple command in Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.iChat EnableDataDetectors 1
You can disable it using the same command, but change the '1' to a '0.' Now you get the fun job of calling your closest Mac-using relative and explaining Terminal so they can use a feature that Apple hid from public view for what I can only assume were valid reasons. I hope your aunt has her screen-sharing figured out.
Posted by
6:55 PM
Labels: Info, Macintosh, Tips And Tricks
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Warner Moving to Blu-Ray Disc
Warner Brothers announced today that they would be moving their titles from HD-DVD to the Blu-Ray format. Many have suggested that this marks the end of the next generation DVD battle, though two major studios continue to have exclusive HD-DVD distribution deals in place.HD DVD, however, is not dead. Two major studios, Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures, have deals in place to continue releasing their movies exclusively on HD DVD, as does DreamWorks Animation. Warner Brothers, part of Time Warner, will also continue to release its titles on both formats until the end of May.
Apple has been a member of the Blu-ray consortium's board of directors since 2005, but has not publicly announced their Blu-ray plans. Some expect Apple to officially launch Blu-ray support at Macworld San Francisco.
Posted by
9:25 PM
Labels: Info
Friday, January 4, 2008
Happy New Year 2008
I Would like to say Happy new year 2008 to all of my reader here that always be loyal here. I'm very pleased that i can write something here and deliver it to the world as the name of Indonesia. I know it would be harder in this year but I believe that I can pass this year around and can get the best.
Posted by
12:40 AM
Labels: Info